The Apple Fax software installs this control panel. In additon, the control panel is only installed if you have a serial and not a built-in modem. Control-Option-click the logo in the top left corner. This triggers a clever Easter Egg: The control panel goes black, and an image zooms out from the corner. It's a photo of the development team on holidays in France, and has the caption "Hello from Paris". It's quite a clear photo for such an Easter Egg.
Ô£øAdobe Type Manager (4.0)
Although ATM (Adobe Type Manager) is not made by Apple, but by Adobe, so many people own ATM that I decided to include this one. The process is simple. When the control panel is opened, hold down Command-Option-Control and select "About Adobe Type Manager". You will see a group shot of the programmers. Pass the cursor over their pictures and you will see their names at the bottom of the window.
Cache Switch (7.0.1)
In the control panel, press Option and click on the version number. Watch as its creator’s name is revealed.
Turn Balloon Help on and point to the version number. The balloon will read “Wink, wink”.
CloseView (7.2.1)
Use Balloon Help on the CloseView icon. Slightly creative...
This control panel did not return in System 8.
Color (7.1)
In the color control panel, click and hold down on “Sample Text” and you will see the name of the person who programmed it, "Dean Yu" . Click again and you will see the other creator, "& Vincent Lo". If you click some more, on the 16th click you will see the name Don Louv. It’s hard, but by clicking even more rapidly you will find the words “doodle doodle dee” (click 42) and “wubba wubba wubba” (click 84).
The Color control panel and this easter egg have left us with System 8.0. May they rest in peace.
Ô£øControl Strip (1.3)
From: Ed Hajdarpasic (
When you Option-click the "Current Hot Key" box below the "Define Hot Key" button, the name "Steve Christensen" appears in the header of the window, replacing "Control Strip."
Date & Time (7.5)
Balloon-help on “Daylight Savings Time” to see a common phrase. This egg was obliterated with Sytem 8.
Ô£øThere are also two pretty unusual cities in Date & Time and the Map. Lower Burrell (pop. 13, 200) and Lake Nebagamon, WI. Anybody know what programmer has a connection to these places?
Ô£øDesktop Pictures (1.0)
From: Dan Berger (
Name any PICT file "secret about box". Open it as a picture through the control panel. You will see a bird with credits on it's body. From: Dan
Then, look at ID 4005 in the STR# resource. String number 6 displays:
"This balloon string is no longer needed, so I'll use it to say Hi Mom."
Ô£øEditor Setup (1.2.1)
From: Jory (
1. Duplicate the Editor Setup control panel.
2. Rename it to "About OpenDoc...".
3. Open the control panel.
4. Choose "About OpenDoc..." from the Apple Menu.
You will see a listing of all the people responsible for OpenDoc. According to an Apple engineer, they would have scrolled the list, but there wasn't enough time.
Energy Saver (1.1)
From: Patrick Dekker (PDekker@rullf2.MedFac.LeidenUniv.NL)
In the Energy Saver control panel, hold down Option and click on the text "Monitor Energy Saver" at the top of the window. This will bring up a simple credit box. This egg will not work with certain newer versions of the Energy Saver (there seem to be variations out there). This Control Panel comes with the AppleVision software, version 1.5.3.
Extensions Manager (4.0.1)
Click on the version number (version 3.0.3). In System 8
(version 4.0.1), you want to hold down Option and go to "About
Extensions Manager...". Both ways will reveal credits.
Ô£øKeyboard (8.0)
The Apple engineers have finally spiced-up the most boring Control Panel of them all! ...slightly. In System 8, hold down Option when going to "About Keyboard..." in the Apple Menu. You will find a little credit presentation.
Labels (7.1)
In the Labels Control Panel, delete all of the names of the Labels. Upon restarting your computer, you will find the letters "alanjef" under the Labels menu. This egg was removed to make way for new features in System 8.
Also, show the Launcher at system start-up by setting it in General Controls, and leave the regular labels in the Labels menu. Then, restart your Mac. Once everything on your screen is re-loaded, do nothing. Go up to the Labels menu. There, you will see the text explained above, "alanjef". Going to the Finder will erase it. Any other program that will discourage your computer from going directly to the Finder will have the same effect.
There is also an "m" in the File window. For more information on that, go to "Mood Swings" in the Miscellaneous chapter.
Launcher (3.1)
A secret about box is apparent in Launcher when holding down Option and Command keys and click on the background behind the topic buttons (very top buttons on a "raised" surface).
Macintosh Easy Open (1.1.1)
Using BBEdit and opening Macintosh Easy Open, you will see humorous, abnormal, and hidden message between the encrypted text: “Leave Our Mark On The Tree Weve Been To This Tree Before Preflight Paul” I have seen this message in other places.
Map (7.5.1)
When clicking on the version the phrase “v.7.0, by Mark Davis” will show in the dialog box. (His initials are also printed in Antarctica)
If you push Option-Find you can scroll through all the places on the map from A-Z. If you pass Zurich the names of the places will be in the native language they are spoken there.
In the Map Control Panel of the German System 7.5, if you enter the city names Chicago or San Francisco, you will be shown some very strange places in the world. However, if you have a very detailed map (on paper, not the Control Panel), you will indeed find these places there. San Francisco is shown in the Baleares near Spain, and Chicago is some hundred miles west of Africa. Those places exist, but they have scarcely more than a few hundred inhabitants.
Memory (7.5.5)
Turn virtual memory on in the Memory control panel and hold down Option while selecting the hard drive to see some interesting credits. This classic was purged with System 8.
Monitors (7.5.5)
In Monitors, if you click on the version in the upper right hand corner, it will show some credits. While clicking, if you hold down Option, the smiley face will change. Different names will appear and will begin to shuffle once you push the Option button repeatedly, over 12 times. In early versions of the Monitors control panel, when you click on the version number, only a smiley face pops up. The colors mean that first and last names have made a match.
If Option is held down, in the Control Panel, and the mouse is not, you will see a smiley face inside the computer icon. If you have two monitors, moving the smiley face to the other computer will make it so that the start-up screen is in that monitor.
Ô£øAn engineer wrote this about the Monitors control panel:
"The Monitors' secret about box, when Dean Yu and I got a hold of it, was simply a bitmap with some names in it. One day Dean and I removed a lot of junk from the project (old useless bits). We had saved so much space, over 15k, that we felt it was ok to put a little bit back in to show that we'd been there. We added "Blue Meanies" as one of the names, the tongue sticking out when you toggled the Option key, and the swapping of first names."
I am sorry to say, but System 8 finally ended this legacy also.
Open Transport Control Panels: TCP/IP (1.2), AppleTalk (1.1), Modem (1.0.1)
From: Brett Helbig (
In the Open Transport TCP/IP Control Panel, if you choose "About TCP/IP..." from the Apple Menu, a dialog pops up displaying the version number and the copyright info. If you hold down the Option key while selecting "About TCP/IP...", the same dialog pops up with the same info. However, after about 3 seconds or so, the version number and the copyright info disappear. Nothing appears in its place. The dialog just remains empty! The same thing will happen in the AppleTalk and Modem (Open Transport PPP) control panels. However, not the PPP control panel, as mentioned below.
PC Setup
A lot of thanks to Guido Bertoncini ( for this egg. Note: This control panel is used for the built-in Reply 'DOS on Mac' card, containing a DX2/66 processor which is used in Performa 630s and PowerPC 6100/66 DOS Compatibles.
In the PC Setup control panel, click on the version number while pressing the Command key. It will then start a 'RP-DOS' session on a mini PC screen. This session is suppose to do some diagnostic tests, show information, and modifies various DOS things. If you want, type "help" to see what it can do, as it is undocumented. However, there is also an egg in the control panel. In short, the egg is simply a list of programmers in DOS (which most of us could care less about since we bought a Mac to avoid DOS in the first place).
cd=change directory (will go to the directory).
dir=catalog directory (will show the directory).
Think of a directory on a PC like a folder on a Mac, but as you
don't have a GUI to see the files, you must type these commands.
1. After entering the "RP-DOS" session, type dir to see the "Software, Hardware, Support and Quality" directories.
2. Then type, for instance, cd hardware to go to the hardware directory.
3. Then type dir, in the next field, next to the word "hardware" to see all of the names of those who developed the software for the Houdini Card.
4. Then type cd and one of the names; lets use the name al_scalise.
5. Type dir again next to "al_scalise" in the next field to see what that person did in that section. In this case it would say "simulations".
6. Type cd to go back to the previous directory.
Balloon Help
While running balloon help, click on the version number while holding down Option to see "This is the System Software Version... nothing more, nothing less." This feature works in version 1.0.7.
Power PC Control Panel
From: Peter F. Jarvis ( and John Kessler
With a PowerPC Upgrade card installed, go to the Power Macintosh Card control panel and hold down Command-Option while opening the control panel. A picture of the design team will appear. Turn on balloon help and click where the people's mouths should be. It will say funny things in the balloons.
For example, in the mouth of the guy wearing glasses and a blue shirt will say the following: "Top 5 reasons Apple should move to Texas: 5) Don't have to be an Apple CEO to afford a house. 4) Most Texans don't live in Williamson County. 3) Texans don't place 'The' in front of highway names. 2) Blue Texas sky, hot Texas summers 1) Real Mexican food."
Also, in an undocumented trick, just hold down Option and open the control panel. A check box appears that lets you choose to bypass a RAM test a startup.
Ô£øPPP (1.0.1)
The Open Transport egg explained! Remember that in TCP/IP, AppleTalk, and Modem control panels if you held down Option and went to "About TCP/IP", the copyright disappeared? Apple finally came to its senses with Open Transport PPP and put some credits in the PPP control panel to fill in the empty void. Just hold down Option and go to "About PPP..." in the Apple Menu.
Hold down Option and click on the upper half of the words "Screen Brightness" to see a credit for Gayle Wiesner. Don't ask me how I found this one.
QuickTime Music (2.1d5)
The first part of the egg is to go up to the icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window in the control panel. Clicking on it will change the cursor to a musical note. Next you want to hold down Option and click on the icon. Wait a few seconds and you will now see a window with a synthesizer on which you can play a number of things from percussion to harpsicord (more depending on what version of QuickTime Musical Instruments you have installed).
Jump back to early 1995, QuickTime 2.1 development in progress: The QuickTime Music control panel is being developed in addition to other new features of this major upgrade. Its purpose is to handle where MIDI devices are connected to your Mac. It will have some sort of connection to the Macintosh MIDI Manager and QuickTime Musical Instruments. It may or may not be released. In the meantime, and easter egg is stuffed in the control panel to demonstrate the capabilties of the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension.
Jump to September, 1998: System 8 has been released and QuickTime Musical Instruments shares a spot in your System folder with other QuickTime 2.5 extensions. However, the MIDI Manager does not seem to exist (at least, you didn't install it). It appears the QuickTime Music control panel was never released, or is not in the regular QuickTime software package. No matter, you can still see the easter egg!
Open your MoviePlayer application (2.5.1) and open a MIDI file. Go to "Get Info" in the Movie menu. Change the left-hand tab to Music Track and the right-hand tab to "Instruments". Double-click on an instrument. What you now see is what I saw in the QuickTime Music control panel. It's greater purpose here is to switch instruments with other ones.
What happened to MIDI Manager or the QuickTime Music control panel? Were they ever released? Did they exist as older versions? My technical knowledge is limited in this area. If you can help me clear up the history (and future) behind the QuickTime Music control panel, please send me a message.
Ô£øRemote Access (1.0)
From: Dan Berger ( 
Go to the ic18 resource. You should quickly notice I.D. 2010. --->
Sound (8.0.5)
In the Sound control panel, if you hold down Option and scroll down to sound input or any menu item, you will hear a sound and see some credits.
Also in the Sound control panel under Sound Effects (AV Macs), if you click and hold down on the little version and icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, a credit will scroll along the bottom of the screen.
The Sound control panel was also removed in System 8 to make way for better things.
Things! (1.0a2)
I somehow got my hands on a really old Control Panel
named "Things!", by Gary Woodcock. Its intention is to
explain various QuickTime components and help make the
development of QuickTime products easier. I fiddled with
version 1.0a2 from 1992. At the bottom of the control panel
there are buttons to switch to different panels. One panel is an about box. To the right is the QuickTime logo. If you Option-click that logo you will hear a cat meow... kinda, see the picture displayed here, and a read line saying "Phaser says yo, dude!" In the control panel's resource, two Balloon Help strings (which I could not access outside of ResEdit) say:
"Gary is the owner of the phamed and pheared Phaser beast, pictured at right."
"Phaser says hi when you click on him."
Phaser also shows up in the Video Monitor about box (see Apple Programs).
TV Setup (1.0.1)
From: Brendan Bellina (
TV Setup will display a box with the authors' names when the version number is clicked.
Ô£øUsers & Groups (8.0)
From: Dan Berger (
Make a new user in the control panel. Name that user "secret about box". Deselect the new user and sit back and watch the credits roll!
Window Shade (1.3.1)
In Window Shade, if you click on the mouse button in the picture, you will see some credits by the author. This will not work with version 1.2 or earlier. Window Shade was replaced in System 8.